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INDIA TROUGH A TRAVELLERS EYES (Prose Section) Objective Question Answer 2023 || Bihar board 12th english syllabus 2023

दोस्तों बिहार बोर्ड इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा 2023 की तैयारी कर रहे हैं और क्लास ट्वेल्थ इंग्लिश का महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उत्तर पढ़ना चाहते हैं तो यहां पर आप लोगों को क्लास ट्वेल्थ इंग्लिश का Prose Section का चैप्टर नंबर 10 India Trough A Travellers Eyes का VVI Objective Question आंसर नीचे दिया गया है अगर आप लोग इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा में अच्छे अंकों से उत्तीर्ण होना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों को एक बार अवश्य पढ़ें- india through a traveller’s eye question answer, india through travellers eyes objective question, india through a traveller’s eye class 12 question answer

INDIA TROUGH A TRAVELLERS EYES (Prose Section) Objective Question Answer 2023

1. The young Indian intellectuals were disappointed with the –

(A) English
(B) American
(C) Chinese
(D) Japanese

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (A) English


2. Indians, under the British rule, had a life-span of just –

(A) thirty years
(B) thirty-five years in
(C) forty years
(D) twenty-seven years

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (D) twenty-seven years


3. For all the ills of India, the writer blames –

(A) Indi[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ] 1
(B) the English rule
(C) both
(D) None of these

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (B) the English rule


4. The writer visiting an Indian family felt –

(A) happiness
(B) sorrow
(C) disgust
(D) None of these

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (A) happiness


5. The book ‘Come, My Beloved’ has the –

(A) English background
(B) Chinese background
(C) American background
(D) Indian background

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (D) Indian background


6. She taught in –

(A) an Indian University
(B) an American University
(C) a Chinese University
(D) None of these

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) a Chinese University


7. She won the Nobel Prize in –

(A) 1928
(B) 1938
(C) 1948
(D) 1958

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (B) 1938


8. Buck’s family doctor was –

(A) English
(B) Indian
(C) American
(D) Chinese

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (B) Indian


9. Gandhi’s hold was upon –

(A) intellectuals
(B) peasants
(C) both
(D) None of these

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) both


india through a travellers eyes class 12th english

10. The Mongolian from Europen invaded –

(A) Bengal
(B) Delhi
(C) Punjab
(D) Kashmir

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (D) Kashmir


11. The first woman President of the General Assembly of the United State was the –

(A) Japanese
(B) American
(C) Chinese
(D) Indian

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (D) Indian


12. Pearl S. Buck was born in –

(A) 1882
(B) 1862
(C) 1892
(D) 1872

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) 1892


13. By birth she was

(A) American
(B) Chinese
(C) Japanese
(D) Indian

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (A) American


14. She was reared in –

(A) Germany
(B) England
(C) China
(D) India

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) China


15. She was reared by her –

(A) grand-mother
(B) uncle
(C) aunt
(D) missionary parents

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (D) missionary parents


16. ‘India Through a Traveller’s Eyes’ has been written by

(A) Shiga Naoya
(B) Pearl S. Buck
(C) Anton Chekhov
(D) Germaine Greer

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (B) Pearl S. Buck


17. Pearl S. Buck has written the lesson

(A) A Child is Born
(B) The Artist
(C) India Through a Traveller’s Eyes
(D) I Have a Dream

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) India Through a Traveller’s Eyes


18. ‘Indian Through a Traveller’s Eyes’ is an inspiring

(A) drama di
(B) story
(C) novel
(D) essay

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (D) essay


19. Pearl S. Buck is an ………….. writer.

(A) American
(B) Indian
(C) Iranian
(D) African

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (B) Indian


india through a traveller’s eye class 12 question answer

20. ………. has praised Indian poeple and their life.

(A) Shiga Naoya
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Pearl S. Buck
(D) Bertrand Russell

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) Pearl S. Buck


21. Pearl S. Buck is the writer of books like

(A) The Waste Land
(B) Come, My Beloved
(C) Macbeth
(D) Bombay Beware

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (B) Come, My Beloved


22. Indian peasants are poorer than their counterparts.

(A) Pakistani
(B) Chinese
(C) Srilanka
(D) Russian

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (B) snake


23. I was called to kill a dangerous —

(A) dog
(B) tiger
(C) snake
(D) cat

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) snake


24. …………… advised the Indi[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ] not to blame the Britishers for everything.

(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Pearl S. Buck
(D) H.E. Bates

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) Pearl S. Buck


25. ………….. visited India to see and listen to two groups of people.

(A) Germaine Greer
(B) Bertrant Russel
(C) Anton Chekhoy
(D) Pearl S. Buck

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (D) Pearl S. Buck


26. Religion is ever present in ………. life.

(A) American
(B) Chinese
(C) Indian
(D) Russian

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) Indian


27. The land between Bombay and ……………. famished.

(A) Kolkata
(B) Madras
(C) Delhi
(D) Bangaluru

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (B) Madras


28. The people of ………….. must be rechoned as belonging to the caucasian race.

(A) America
(B) China
(C) India
(D) Canada

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (C) India


29. India was a part of the background of –

(A) the doctor’s life
(B) the wife’s life
(C) the Kashmiri man’s life
(D) Pearls S. Buck’s life

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (D) Pearls S. Buck’s life


india through a traveller’s eye question answer

30. ‘Come, My Beloved’ is written by –

(A) Pearl S. Buck
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(D) Germaine Greer

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (A) Pearl S. Buck


31. The food in Indian villages was served on ………… leaves.

(A) banana
(B) peepal
(C) mango
(D) papaya

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Show Less” ]. (A) banana


  •  Class 12th English 100 Marks Objective Question Bihar Board Inter Exam 2023 का Prose Section & Poetry Section का ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन चैप्टर वाइज चैप्टर नीचे दिया गया है – All Objective Question Answer of English Class 12th 100 Marks [ Bihar Board 12th English Syllabus 2023 ] 


English 100 Marks Class 12th Objective
 1. Indian Civilization and Culture
 2. Bharat is My Home 
 3. A Pinch of Snuff
 4. I Have a Dream 
 5. Ideas That Have Helped Mankind 
 6. The Artist 
 7. A Child Is Born
 8. How Free is the Press 
 9. The Earth 
 10. Indian Through Traveller’s Eye 
 11. A Marriage Proposal
English 100 Marks Class 12th Objective
1. Sweetest  Love I Do Not Goe 
 2. Song of Myself 
 3. Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast 
4. Ode To Autumn 
5. An Epitaph
6. The Soldier 
7. Macavity: The Mystery Cat 
8. Fire Hymn 
9. Snake
10. My Grand Mother’s House 

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